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5月, 2023の投稿を表示しています


COVID-19が5類に移行し、ようやくラボの飲み会もできるようになったことから、今年度から新たに加わった社会人大学院生の歓迎の意も込めて、親睦会が開かれました。そうそう、B6学生の就職内定祝いも兼ねて。 大学院講義のこの日は、3名の大学院生が来学。帰路終電までのひと時、玉宮町に寄り道と言う具合です。実務実習中のB5学生、体調を崩しているB4学生、大学院講義に来ていない社会人大学院生は、次の機会に楽しみましょう! 社会人と言えども同窓同門の学生。この日は、学割で通学したと言う話や、明日早朝から会議がある話とか、近々に海外出張されるはなしとか。。。GRSならではの「大人」の会話も親睦会に花を添えていました。 さぁ、今年はこんなアクティビティーや研究室旅行もできそうですね。どんな1年になるか、今から楽しみです。

PhD defense in University of Copenhagen

The other day, my friend Christine asked me. "Can you be an international assessor of PhD thesis written by Helle who is my PhD student?" Me? are you serious? you might find more sutable person than me... However, the thesis is about pediatric drug development which is one of our lab research topics, and Christine is my good friend, so I decided to accept the work. Everything was new for me because I've nvere assessed foriegn PhD thesis although I've read several foriegn PhD theses, theses in KU Leuven. It seemed resembling to Belgium way, but different, I guess. Anyway, they invited me. This season in Copenhagen was woderful with nice cool weather compare to Japan, longer day light with bright sun shine sometimes. I was so nervous but other assessors, Mrieke and Christine helped me a lot that made me OK. The defense went very well. Helle answered my odd questions that was satisfactly. In the end, we concluded her thesis was good enough for PhD. So she got PhD degree....


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